Our Core Business
Coconut Based Farming System


Fresh Coconut

Coconut is the largest income provider of KPL which covers up to 75% of its total income, and from 3,633.66 ha KPL produce over 15 million coconuts per annum.

Fresh Coconut

White Coconut Oil

KPL starts white coconut oil production at Katugampola Area Estates with the value addition projects and will be available in 500 ml, 1 liter and bulk.

White Coconut Oil


KPL produce quality copra in all 7 area estates, production quantity is over 75 Mt.


White Copra

White copra production has been started at Dambadeniya and Hiriyala Area Estates in this year to get maximum revenue when the coconut prices are low and KPL expect to produce around 150 Mt per year.

White Copra

Husk Chips

Husk chip production is done at Dodangaslanda and Hiriyala Area Estates and 425 Mt will be produced per year.

Husk Chips

Coconut Husks

KPL has budgeted 7,556,000 nos. of excess husks for sale for the year 2020.

Coconut Husks

Coconut Seedlings

High quality poly bagged coconut seedlings are available for sale at KPL Head Office in Kurunegala and Dambadeniya Area Estates in Narammala.

Coconut Seedlings

Coconut Shell

Coconut Shell

Coconut Shell Charcoal

Coconut Shell Charcoal